Origami Cakes
Origami Cakes
Fun Cakes    Wedding Cakes    Birthday Cakes    Anniversary    Patriotic   Cranes    Holiday Themes
Cakes *
Custom "Fun or Whimsical Cakes" with real origami.

Icing Cakes with
fondant icing origami shapes also available.

Finished Cake   
A Garden Cake for a 90th Birthday of  Nursery CEO
Wedding Cakes - photos coming soon.
Birthday Cakes,  Anniversaries,  we have designs and idea! 
Little Cakes,   Birthday Cakes,  Anniversaries,  let us do your origami, Origami is NOT edible,   Origami is art that goes home with your guests!
Patriotic, Holiday or Theme Cakes  Photos
     We decorate cakes & or we supply the origami
          We are happy to give you ideas and discuss custom cakes.
*  For a consultation by phone or email, you can email me  or call.
During regular business hours of 11 - 8 Mon -Sat

*   Origami Designs
is located in So Oregon as of 2008
Cakes are ordered & prepared by a local area baker with icing per our custom arrangements.

Your cake is then decorated by Origami Designs   with real origami all handfolded by Origami Designs or
with fondant origami representations
After our consultation by email, phone, or personal visit - Origami Designs will  followup with a quote by email with the details and arrangements of your custom cake.   An email confirmation is then needed and receipt of a payment of 50% of the balance due, before your cake can be ordered from the bakery.    Origami Designs  WILL  SUPPLY JUST THE ORIGAMI FOR YOUR CAKES (US & Intn'l orders) allow 4 - 6 weeks delivery.
                         for local cake & origami orders...
The Balance is then due when the cake is delivered or when you pick up your Origami Designs Cake. 
Click for story & large view
Stage 2 - Adding Origami







All Cake Designs with origami on these pages,  are copyrighted to Origami Designs.com,  2000 - 2012  -  www.origamidesigns.com  unless other credit is noted.  Custom Cakes are available. 
Folded origami also available.
626 676 8134
Each cake is delivered with a presentation card about your cake & origami.   Origami paper items are made to be remove before eating. Origami representation embellishments are made from fondant, icing, or gumpaste and edible unless otherwise stated. 
Stage 1 - Cake designed and iced.
Scroll down for new photos
If you or your baker want to bake the
cake, origami
designs will fold origami and ship
to your by

us with
your requests or inquiries. 

541-274-9092   or

Origami Designs can suggest a cake design for your baker.

We can suggest origami that will fit nicely on any theme cake.  We ship for placement!
Scroll down for larger view
Scroll down for larger view
Scroll down to see rose cupcakes
Cheesecakes & cranes
Chocolate Towers
FruitCustard &Origami
Individual  cupcakes with rose icing tops, served with origami roses & one gold foil crane!     
An awesome presentation that is sure to wow your guests!!
Copyright Origami Designs  all rights reserved.
Copyright Origami Designs 2010 all rights reserved.
Copyright Origami Designs  all rights reserved.
Copyright Origami Designs 2006 all rights reserved.
Cranes and bamboo
Wedding  Cake
Copyright Origami Designs 2006 all rights reserved.
Our Copyright
"Potted Cakes" with origami designs
on top... 

Cake is baked, then cut to fit the terra cotta pot, iced and then decorated with origami!   Guests take the origami home!
Copyright Origami Designs  all rights reserved.
Let us suggest a cake & icing designs suitable for your  theme cake. 
We can discuss & supply appropriate origami models that guests can take home with them, when their cake is gone!
Location is not a problem.   Have your local   cake supplier bake & ice the cake to your designs,
Origami Designs will ship the origami to be placed on the cake!
Copyright Origami Designs  all rights reserved.