I  miss his wonderful sense of humor, his super laugh, his twinkling eyes when he laughed!

I will miss his "observations" of us, the older ones...

I miss hearing the ticking of the cycle engine, as it cooled down in the driveway

I miss his stories about his friends,  and their trips, bowling night,  occassional visits to church. 

I miss standing next to my son and looking up to talk to him! 

I miss his phone calls & how he always announced himself by name on the message machine...

I miss his voice!
I lived and my unborn baby (Mike) lived through the two terrible auto accidents ....
He was meant to be here,
and every day from that day
  I knew how precious our
  lives were.    Since October   I've tried to remember  why
  my life here is still  
  important,  but without my
  son  it has been hard, at
  times, to remember.

This morning I heard  "Spend My Time"   for the first time,  (03/04)
and I remember, through my tears -  I  remember.     Mike knew!    Now he has to remind me  through the wonderful  memories!

Words to the Song - "Without You"
      by another   "Mike Turner"
           ...thank you from a mother...
Michael "Mike"   Justin    Turner
  a most special young man!
                11/14/73 - 10/10/03
        A life to short just shy of 30 yrs...
What do I miss.... ? everything...!!

I miss our wonderful short chats  about his daily life.

I miss watching  my son grab a drink from our refrigerator. 

I miss watching him rub his hair on the top of his head... a familiar gesture while talking or just sitting thinking.

I miss seeing the back of my tall handsome son, as he stood at the front window, looking out, talking on the cell phone to friends.

I miss hearing him say on the phone, "i'm just kickin' back at  my Mom & Dad's house."

I miss that smile of his!  A genuine, spontaneous, infectous smile, that just warmed my heart!

I miss watching him drink a 24 ounce Sobee in one minute.

                         ...his eyes...

Seeing the Suzuki parked in our drive right in front of the front door.

I miss watching him lay his sunglsses on the table, taking off his helmet, and saying "Hi".

I miss hearing his keys in the front door on a weekday morning.   

I miss fixing him a cup of hot or cold coffee in the morning when he would stop on his way to work.

I miss doing his laundry and helping him out in this way.... and I miss the pleasant drive to his house, to take him the warm clean laundry.

I miss the chats at his place, while he cleaned and polished the cycle.

I miss  sending  microwave popcorn back in with his laundry. 

I miss begging him to pose for a photo. 

I miss his "advice" , his giving me his "take" on something,  when I asked...

I miss the  wonderful "feeling" that  he brought to our house.   A son visiting, comfortable,  lingering,....  his politness always!

I so miss his sharing details about his job, his work, his friends at work, what he was learning, and doing....
A guest book is available from
I cannot begin to tell you all who have sent emails, called, sent a card, or signed the guestbook, what this means to us!    Thank you for your courage, & for reaching out,  we welcome the contact. 

My son didn't have decades to build a life and leave a legacy of himself.   He had only 29 yrs.  

His assets?  Mike was putting his money & time into his brains!  And he was using them!   He took with him so much knowledge, and learning!    Now it's gone....

We cannot know what length of time we have here - on earth - in this life., Perhaps again, we are reminded of the "lesson" that suggests   WE  BEST MAKE THE MOST OF THE TIME WE HAVE. 

There "isn't always a tomorrow".   A man does NOT need to win a prize, write a novel, have children, run a company, or even set a record, to be measured as a fine man among men.  Or... an exceptional woman among women, or just a very special person!

My son's life is a good example.    In his young life, he used his talents, he was impressive without trying to be, he inspired others, and he left   memories,  -  good memories, fun memories, poignant memories, for many to take with them in their own lives!!

My son knew that life gives us enough "trials, challenges, or troubles" outside our own control.   We can be careful about making problems for ourselves!

Relationships aren't easy, with parents at times, at work, or at school, or with romance.   Somehow Mike managed to look through it, look beyond it, and just "deal with it" at tmes... and he did not lose his love of people, love of city, love of life, or his sensitivity to it and others.

We talked of these things... and I admired my son for what he had learned and what he knew and how he conducted himself in life!

I have no regrets.  We talked about much!.   I told him often that  I loved him, told him often that I was proud of him and his Dad was proud of him.  I even told my son that I remained impressed by his attitude in life,  his politeness toward others, and his appreciation for the things I did as  mother,    Gifts without cost, just from the heart, and I didn't need the "thankyou's",  but I was always  moved by his verbal appreciations. 

It was a joy to do things for Mike.  He inspired me and others I think, by his own generous nature...
Spirit Rider...

There is a Spirit Rider in my life,
He rides through my memories,
He rides through my heart,
I feel his energy
I feel his pain,
I feel his absence

I feel his spirit & presence.
I have with me,   his small die cast metal miniature replica police car.

I have the Suzuki cycle model given him by a male friend.

I have the rose, from a friend he kept at his desk.

I will keep his helmet
and sunglasses,
and keys to his cycle
Every visit he put them
on the table,
carefully in the same
place, the same way...   

I will treasure his black police mug with the little teddy bear stuffed inside....

I have the little dog in shades who sings:
"Be Happy..."

I have his favorite police cap, hanging from my side of the bedpost...

I have his first baby shoes and his most recent dress shoes....

We have his lifetime of treasures here now, with us....
There was an eclipse Saturday    11/8/03
I think of how my son would loved loved it 
He loved the sky,
He loved the heavens,
He loved flight!.
He loved to watch the space launches,
  to monitor the space channel,
  to tune in for the landings...
He loved it all so much...
Will he be there tonight? 
Memorable  Quotes from Mike/Justin

               "Naps are good".

          "Is that coffee ready yet?"

Mike's spot, corner of the loveseat!
He'd  sit back, have a sobee & bagel and visit!  His empty bottle is there, his winter pillow saves his spot....  His spot is unoccupied and quiet now...
It was in March of 2002 that my son gave me a box of beautiful fiber monarch butterflies.  He knew of my "love" for this "insect friend".   Not long before  I had shared the last moments of life with just such as butterfly that came to me,  rode into the house on my hand, & there it stayed until it's last slow moments of life.  I have that silent butterfly with me still, safely  treasured.    As I will always treasure these beautiful butterflies given to me by my son  in 2002.
Words to the Song - "Without You"
      by another   "Mike Turner"
           ...thank you from a mother...
I lived and my unborn baby (Mike) lived through the two terrible auto accidents ....
He was meant to be here,
and every day from that day
  I knew how precious our
  lives were.    Since October   I've tried to remember  why
  my life here is still  
  important,  but without my
  son  it has been hard, at
  times, to remember.

This morning I heard  "Spend My Time"   for the first time,  (03/04)
and I remember, through my tears -  I  remember.     Mike knew!    Now he has to remind me  through the wonderful  memories!

If Mike was here with us today, Father's Day, he would have been here early, drinking Wolf's coffee, and wishing him a Happy Father's Day!!!   ... telling him thankyou for so much.        2004
I  miss his wonderful sense of humor, his super laugh, his twinkling eyes when he laughed!

I will miss his "observations" of us, the older ones...

I miss hearing the ticking of the cycle engine, as it cooled down in the driveway

I miss his stories about his friends,  and their trips, bowling night,  occassional visits to church. 

I miss standing next to my son and looking up to talk to him! 

I miss his phone calls & how he always announced himself by name on the message machine...

I miss his voice!