Of all the photos sessions I would participate in, this one had me the most excited.    I love to fold, & I love to share it.    A book is being done about women artists and my photographer was going to take the photo of me that would appear in this book.  It is a wonderful opportunity to promote the joys of origami. 
I set up my table surrounded by a few items I had folded for the photo session.
I stopped to think,  "what did I want to fold, here now.... ?.
For some items it is best to use a flat surface.  Other items can be folded "in air" so to speak.  
....uh, I looked up and forgot what i was doing...  Hold up the crane you say?"   what a look!  "yikes"
I tend to be so serious when I'm working  (in the photo studio, posing) My photographer must have said something funny to make me laugh.
Look at me over there folding!
I'm explaining something important here!
Stiffer paper folds a better bigger crane, but making the creases is a challenge!  .
"Look at the camera?  Hey I'm working here!"   This takes focus!  
I love this photo, but truthfully, from the roll of 35 we have some really nice photos of the "RedHeadTiger" doing what I love!

This page was last updated on: September 17, 2002