of a son....

Always cherished, but as my son grew, I kept most photos in special albums.  In my office on the wall remain maybe a dozen of my favorites! And there they will stay.

Now, these photos are my memories, my images of the son who came for coffee nearly every morning on his way to work of late weeks. 

This son, who tickled me so when he  stopped by in the evenings  several nights a week, , on his way home from work!

Photos of a super young man, who came to sit and chat with me, his Mom, and share his news & his thoughts.  The son who shared those knowing looks with his "Dad" about Mom & her ways.   Looks of understanding, humor, & a little love mixed in.

Now these photos, are what I talk to, photos that I have put out in view... 

They are the essence of the shining star that is now my son -  no longer here with us -  no longer here with me.

I must let his warm spirit embrace me when I smile at his photos. 

Mike was camera shy as an adult !

This page was last updated on: March 29, 2007

I will share these photos, as I know Mike's friends will come to this page, looking to see "more" of their adult friend.   I will share what I think is appropriate and what I think would not embarrass Mike.     I know he was shy, easily embarrassed and I never wanted to cross that line, or knowingly embarrass him.      But I think he would understand, -  that now,  many of his friends are anxious to reach out.   We miss him.   We have only his photos to see and make us smile, and to remember him ....   Mike's life... (Mike was not "fond of the camera" after the age of 19,   but we managed a few recent photos!)
Mike  on the Pacific Coast Highway   2003
Birthday Fun
About 14-15 Birthday
Turning  18...
Around 5 yrs, at Grammy's
Christmas with best Earthlink friends/coworkers
12 - 15 the BMX years
Young toddler!
LA petting zoo
2002 with Mom
With Mom & Grammy
18 and counting....
August  2003  
Max  -    Mike loved his dog!  He carried these two photos of Max in his wallet all the time.  I retrieved them when I got Mike's  wallet.   
Mike at 29 Visiting Grammy  - 2003

This page was last updated on: March 29, 2007

Mike's  Classic Camaro  '68
Purchased  when he was 18
Out by the pool at 14...
Snorkling in Hawaii at 12 
At the desk at the Police Dept...  COPS Program
On patrol.... volunteering
Awards ceremony dinner with Pasadena Police Chief...
Partners and great friends...
The Chevy   -  9C1
Pre-teen Justin looking our over the Arroyo Seco of Pasadena,  a territory he knew well, from the old Aviary...."Batman Mansion" on the hillside in the background.
Almost 2yrs... Pasadena toddler on the go!
Two great friends right through to 2003.... at the computer...
In Mike's life... 
Special  goodtimes...  in  late   summer  of   2003!
Justins cat, Speedy" named by Justin for his speed, he would suck on J's earlobe for an hour.t
He "appreciated" Christmas!
TV has photos of Mike on top, card to Mom!
May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."                            from Renee   
CI have SO many photos!!!  I am thankful that I have
SO many photos of my son.    Take pictures of life, of your loved ones.    Make memories.   Love the moments you have with those you love!!!!