2 yrs old at his desk... on his way to Mt Sierra 
Michael Justin Turner  11/14/73  10/10/03  (Mike would have turned 30 in Nov. 14th)California born and raised in Pasadena from 9mos forward.  This boy never stopped once his feet hit the ground!        He loved life, play, and people.  Attending Pasadena Public Schools, Allendale, The Children's House, Washington Middle School, Loma Alta, South Pasadena Jr. High School, Marshall High School.  After High School, Mike  went on to Pasadena City College and then to Mt. Sierra College, from here he got his
, Computer Information Technology (Computer major)  Mike was also a Faculty Assistant at Mt. Sierra. 

Interests: Justin studied martial arts,  was active in Jr. Olympic Archery, he was a swimmer & a  runner, experienced with firearms (certifications).  He loved animals & people!  He cared about people!    Justin was a computer wiz from the tender age of 12, and went on to excel & study
from hardware to software applications. He was running his own Bulletin Board with thousands of international hits each day from his bedroom at 19!  Justin loved to ride his BMX freestyle bikes  as a teenager & later turned his attention to his big Chevy (once a Police Car) and **his Suzuki 1000.   Mike was a trained, safe,  cycle rider  -  and loved to ride.  He also said he wanted to fly.  He looked with interest at one day, maybe, -  being a pilot for the police helicopters.  With Mike - if he set his mind to do something, he did it.   I think he was still deciding...(I wondered about my tall son in one of those helicoptors!!)

Mike's story of life was unique -   I    (his young mother, just  married, and out of college,)  was seriously injuried in two auto accidents during the pregnancy. Both accidents the "fault of the other driver" it hardly mattered....  )    Doctors advised the baby would not live, but as his mother  I held out hope. I did not abort as predicted, (suffering from multiple breaks and internal injuries with a difficult recovery during a pregnancy) and I  did not die as seemed inevitable after the second accident at 7 mos in Fresno. 
Mike was a miracle baby who went on to have to fight for everything he did and each goal attained in life.
Given many drugs during the pregnancy to keep me alive, it did not look good for the baby.  I was advised that if he lived,  he would most likely have to be institutionalized.  (Justin did suffer - especially during the yrs of puberty, from these drug effects...)  But he lived, and I lived, to the surprise of doctors and everyone.     He was a happy child, and even though it wasn't always easy for this serious young boy, he never was  complainer.! He was an example to all he met as a child & as an adult.  (Much like our family cat, they both went door to door in our apartment complex for years, and everyone loved them!)   As friends know,-  Mike could be demanding.  He demanded first from himself - , in his ethics & moral standards -  and then from his mom & friends.  But life also taught him a tolerance, patience, and understanding that was admirable.  He had a wisdom and understanding that was gained from study, and experience,, and learning from mentors in school and the Police Department. 

Mike grew up in Pasadena as my son  - with a single  divorced mother, (Mike's dad took off when he was 2 yrs)  I chose to stay in Pasadena and raise my boy here, in a city I loved - , where I also was able to do some volunteer work  throughout the years, & be active in his schools.   He was known by "Justin" through his teenage years.     Justin &  Mom covered many miles on foot, on public transportation, & later in dual classic camaros over the streets of Pasadena.  He knew every street, every park, every theater and museum, every pet store, every library branch, and every bathroom!

Work Experience: Justin took his first name of "Mike" in early adulthood and is known at colleges & work as Mike or Michael.  Mike worked locally for McMurphy's as Security, and went on to work as Security for Warner Bros, for the big movie productions - when they were filmed in So. California. Mike then moved on to become a respected member of his team at Earthlink in Pasadena before  taking a position with *Countrywide in Rosemead.   Mike was operating electronic equipment from the time he was 2 yrs old spending hours on a keypunch machine.  He was computer savy by the age of 14 and exhibited with his first booth at Comdex in his early 20's.   Moving from the Commodore, to Amiga, to Dell, to IBM, to the PC environment and on for his computer certifications.  He was running his own international Bulletin Board in his teens, with five monitors glowing in his bedroom 24hrs a day and 23 phone lines running down the outside wall of his room!)   It seemed there was nothing Mike could not learn or master when he set his mind to it.  The young boy who hated reading a manual & wanted to master everything immediately, would later spend hours devouring the manuals & books on hardware, programming, & software applications & beyond!  When I asked him about the switch,  he said, "well you just have to do it"    I will miss him telling me about what is happening and what is to come in our world or technology.     

Mike moved about the entire Southern California community that he loved, traveling to & from work with his young mother for many years on the weekends.  I gave up weekend work (in addition to long long weekday hours away from my boy as soon as finances allowed.)      Justin loved the parks & canyons 
& would ask to go out on the weekend to pick up trash that others left behind.   He cared about this place, this city!    Many were the times that there were several boys in that classic Camaro with us, and several bicycles on the rack on the trunk, on weekend trips.   He knew  the many cities & networks of freeways of Southern California well by the time he was old enough to drive himself.  Mike waited until he was 18 to drive, and I can honestly say he was a good driver, & he never complained or regretted that he had to wait until 18. (due to finances & our lives)  There was a bit more maturity in the young man who drove so much.

Mike's love of Pasadena and community was most realized through his involvement with the Pasadena Police Department (Pasadena Police Department.)  He gave 100's of hours to the volunteer & community service program working toward a goal of being a  Reserve Officer,  & then perhaps one day an Officer for the Department in the city of Pasadena.  Michael had passed the written, orals exams, and psyc,  for entry, & was working on passing the physical.  Mike walked the beat in Old Town with officers, drove the community service cars, did traffic control & so much more for the Department.  At the request of Chief  Melekian, Mike &  his pvolunteer partner Andy took on the task of revamping & re-building, of the COPS (Citizens on Patrol) Program for the city of Pasadena, managing that for a year.   Mike was a graduate of one of  first Citizen's Police Academy Classes  and the COPS program.    Michael was also certified and accomplished on Ham Radio.   Mike is perhaps best known by friends, family, and co-workers alike for his  "generous love of his fellow mankind" and his giving helpful nature.   He also had a respect for others, their lives. and property.  He knew no color, no religion, no politics, but seemed to move easily among it all & embracing it all in the city he loved so much!   The message that greeted us each day on his cell : "Whatever happens, happens."  This was a "positive" message from Mike.  In reality, Mike took each day & really lived it, cramming every hour full. My son seemed to live 26 hours a day!   I believe he had gotten the point. -  that point being:  -- it's not so much what happens to us in life, but how we react and how we deal with it."   Mike found solutions & answers, he looked for and found ways to make the most of his life. 

The GIFT of my son,  "As his mom, - now without my wonderful son, - I will have to strive to live as he would have, and find a way to deal with this loss, this emptiness, this disconnection  in my life."  All he was will help me with this journey

He was a most loving son, making us, his  parents,  so proud every day!   He  is survived by us, his  parents, Barbara Turner and Wolf Hodgkinson.  I remarried after Mike was an adult.  He was happy for me & proud to call Wolf, "Dad"      Justin and I , lived in Pasadena, on the same street for 19yrs. .   When we moved, -- his comment was simple--  "Well it's about time, I think", so we moved to a different location in Pasadena!     Michael is survived also by a Grandmother, Geri Ginn, in LaVerne, California, and an absent "natural father" in Florida, and many many good friends in California and online, around the cyber world,  cycle community, and Ham radio "community, college and work.   

His countless friends will miss him greatly.  There was  a memorial service for all who were able to attend, in Pasadena, on Friday, October 24th, at 2pm at the Masonic Lodge on S. Euclid Avenue.  (More details about the service are here at  the site now)  Please see the page on the Memorial Service and the handout about  Mike.   Mike died tragically while riding the Suzuki motorcycle that had taken him safely over 10,000 miles already to and from work and around town.  The Wrongful Death Lawsuit went to trial January of 2006, with verdicts.  Those verdicts now being appealed by the defense for the young driver who hit and killed Mike.   

From Mike's Mom:   "I was an abandoned child, with  less than desirable "adopted" childhood.  Michael was  my only  blood relative that I knew!   I "found" my life when I was 18, (I ran away to college and never looked back)    but my son lived his   childhood in a city he loved,  with mother and countless friends who loved him.  He lived his 29yrs to the fullest and left me a blessed and very proud mom  - and left a legacy for others."   I

"I had a son and together we had  the most wonderful moments and experiences of  life!"    Mom

The family wishes to thank all those who gave from their hearts,  to the Pasadena Police Activities League, (Pasadena Police Department) in Memory of Michael Justin Turner, and these monies will go to a wonderful program for the young people of Pasadena.   The first total we had shortly after the service was $1500.00 and we expect that to grow significantly.   Please .  Contact Lt. Gales:   744-4551 leave a msg, talk to Lt Gales, or ask to speak to Janet Pope -- for information or any details or if you wish to make a donation.  
This in an ongoing fund and donations can be made any time, or yearly to remember Mike! 
We will  try to acknowledge these donations  in time with a Thank You.  Please let us know if you do not receive a confirmation of your donation.  Thank you for Mike!  We hope to establish a permanent and physical memorial spot for Mike in late 2005.  Please check back for details.  I, as Mother  of Mike, and now his voice, will never forget your donations and kindnesses. 

*There was a very special group, who collected cash and gave it to us, to help with expenses:  This envelope was a stunning gift and generous gesture.  You all know who you are, but please know that this gift - during this most terrible time - did help with the arrangements for Mike's final rest and arrangements.  What a gift it truly was from very loving and understanding friends of Mike's!!!  Many are waiting for the "place" that memorial where they can go and "be with Mike or visit him".   We are most anxious to put that "into place" and will put the details here when we can.   Click on the BENCH link at the top of the front page of the website!  Bench to be installed Jan 2007.

This  website for Mike is  set up here at www.michaeljustinturner.org  by his Mom and Step-Dad.  We hope to add,much more about Mike and the about the Foundation to be established in his name :-- MAD.org  Motorcycle Awareness Driving, -  details coming soon.  Motorcycle  Awareness driving by drivers of automobiles and trucks, etc.     Please continue to re-visit and check back at this site.  It will be simple and put up quickly at first, but will grow into the professional site as time goes on, with news and updates.  I want to thank those already who have contacted me specifically about the accident or the dangers of that intersection.   And please visit the link: Justice for All.  

**10/2004   We are still dealing with the details of settling things for Mike.   We are devasted by the loss of our only son, the wheels of justice move slowly at times, but for Mike we continue to press forward.  ** Trial date set for Dec of 2004, then postponed till July of 2005 has now been rescheduled for September 2005, nearly two years after Mike's death!  This is a tragedy.   Those close to the family can call or emails us for updates.   We do this for Mike!
*** 1/2006  Finally we get to court.  This experience also,  I will share, because I think it is important.  I have to wait for it all to be over - Appeal to be answered by March 2008)
We do have the  verdicts, and I thank all involved in this process. But this is not enough.   Drivers who injure and kill others must be held accountable for these actions.  Insurance companies who protect them must change their policies, and must be also forced to be held accountable.  The only way most have to get "this accountability" is to sue or secure some monetary award and hope to do some good with that resolution.     We wait still, to make Mike's legacy known, to set up scholarship funds, and put a memorial into place for MIKE!
How  He  Lived ...  !
When I was preparing a "quick review" for a local editor I put the following down on paper.
As parents we "love" our kids, we're easily convinced "our" kid is special.  Well, it wasn't just me who was convinced...   as Justin grew, he touched many lives from neighbors to teachers, family friends, & strangers....   His life wasn't easy with a single mom, -  an only child, a challenging relationship with a difficult & absent Dad,  and no close extended family....   but he didn't complain -  he just lived it and had quite a life along his way.

Michael Justin Turner  11/14/73  10/10/03  (Mike would have turned 30 in Nov. 14th)California born and raised in Pasadena from 9mos forward.  This boy never stopped once his feet hit the ground!        He loved life, play, and people.  Attending Pasadena Public Schools, Allendale, The Children's House, Washington Middle School, Loma Alta, South Pasadena Jr. High School, Marshall High School.  After High School, Mike  went on to Pasadena City College and then to Mt. Sierra College, from here he got his
, Computer Information Technology (Computer major)  Mike was also a Faculty Assistant at Mt. Sierra. 

Interests: Justin studied martial arts,  was active in Jr. Olympic Archery, he was a swimmer & a  runner, experienced with firearms (certifications).  He loved animals & people!  He cared about people!    Justin was a computer wiz from the tender age of 12, and went on to excel & study
from hardware to software applications. He was running his own Bulletin Board with thousands of international hits each day from his bedroom at 19!  Justin loved to ride his BMX freestyle bikes  as a teenager & later turned his attention to his big Chevy (once a Police Car) and **his Suzuki 1000.   Mike was a trained, safe,  cycle rider  -  and loved to ride.  He also said he wanted to fly.  He looked with interest at one day, maybe, -  being a pilot for the police helicopters.  With Mike - if he set his mind to do something, he did it.   I think he was still deciding...(I wondered about my tall son in one of those helicoptors!!)

Mike's story of life was unique -   I    (his young mother, just  married, and out of college,)  was seriously injuried in two auto accidents during the pregnancy. Both accidents the "fault of the other driver" it hardly mattered....  )    Doctors advised the baby would not live, but as his mother  I held out hope. I did not abort as predicted, (suffering from multiple breaks and internal injuries with a difficult recovery during a pregnancy) and I  did not die as seemed inevitable after the second accident at 7 mos in Fresno. 
Mike was a miracle baby who went on to have to fight for everything he did and each goal attained in life.
Given many drugs during the pregnancy to keep me alive, it did not look good for the baby.  I was advised that if he lived,  he would most likely have to be institutionalized.  (Justin did suffer - especially during the yrs of puberty, from these drug effects...)  But he lived, and I lived, to the surprise of doctors and everyone.     He was a happy child, and even though it wasn't always easy for this serious young boy, he never was  complainer.! He was an example to all he met as a child & as an adult.  (Much like our family cat, they both went door to door in our apartment complex for years, and everyone loved them!)   As friends know,-  Mike could be demanding.  He demanded first from himself - , in his ethics & moral standards -  and then from his mom & friends.  But life also taught him a tolerance, patience, and understanding that was admirable.  He had a wisdom and understanding that was gained from study, and experience,, and learning from mentors in school and the Police Department. 

Mike grew up in Pasadena as my son  - with a single  divorced mother, (Mike's dad took off when he was 2 yrs)  I chose to stay in Pasadena and raise my boy here, in a city I loved - , where I also was able to do some volunteer work  throughout the years, & be active in his schools.   He was known by "Justin" through his teenage years.     Justin &  Mom covered many miles on foot, on public transportation, & later in dual classic camaros over the streets of Pasadena.  He knew every street, every park, every theater and museum, every pet store, every library branch, and every bathroom!

Work Experience: Justin took his first name of "Mike" in early adulthood and is known at colleges & work as Mike or Michael.  Mike worked locally for McMurphy's as Security, and went on to work as Security for Warner Bros, for the big movie productions - when they were filmed in So. California. Mike then moved on to become a respected member of his team at Earthlink in Pasadena before  taking a position with *Countrywide in Rosemead.   Mike was operating electronic equipment from the time he was 2 yrs old spending hours on a keypunch machine.  He was computer savy by the age of 14 and exhibited with his first booth at Comdex in his early 20's.   Moving from the Commodore, to Amiga, to Dell, to IBM, to the PC environment and on for his computer certifications.  He was running his own international Bulletin Board in his teens, with five monitors glowing in his bedroom 24hrs a day and 23 phone lines running down the outside wall of his room!)   It seemed there was nothing Mike could not learn or master when he set his mind to it.  The young boy who hated reading a manual & wanted to master everything immediately, would later spend hours devouring the manuals & books on hardware, programming, & software applications & beyond!  When I asked him about the switch,  he said, "well you just have to do it"    I will miss him telling me about what is happening and what is to come in our world or technology.     

Mike moved about the entire Southern California community that he loved, traveling to & from work with his young mother for many years on the weekends.  I gave up weekend work (in addition to long long weekday hours away from my boy as soon as finances allowed.)      Justin loved the parks & canyons 
& would ask to go out on the weekend to pick up trash that others left behind.   He cared about this place, this city!    Many were the times that there were several boys in that classic Camaro with us, and several bicycles on the rack on the trunk, on weekend trips.   He knew  the many cities & networks of freeways of Southern California well by the time he was old enough to drive himself.  Mike waited until he was 18 to drive, and I can honestly say he was a good driver, & he never complained or regretted that he had to wait until 18. (due to finances & our lives)  There was a bit more maturity in the young man who drove so much.

Mike's love of Pasadena and community was most realized through his involvement with the Pasadena Police Department (Pasadena Police Department.)  He gave 100's of hours to the volunteer & community service program working toward a goal of being a  Reserve Officer,  & then perhaps one day an Officer for the Department in the city of Pasadena.  Michael had passed the written, orals exams, and psyc,  for entry, & was working on passing the physical.  Mike walked the beat in Old Town with officers, drove the community service cars, did traffic control & so much more for the Department.  At the request of Chief  Melekian, Mike &  his pvolunteer partner Andy took on the task of revamping & re-building, of the COPS (Citizens on Patrol) Program for the city of Pasadena, managing that for a year.   Mike was a graduate of one of  first Citizen's Police Academy Classes  and the COPS program.    Michael was also certified and accomplished on Ham Radio.   Mike is perhaps best known by friends, family, and co-workers alike for his  "generous love of his fellow mankind" and his giving helpful nature.   He also had a respect for others, their lives. and property.  He knew no color, no religion, no politics, but seemed to move easily among it all & embracing it all in the city he loved so much!   The message that greeted us each day on his cell : "Whatever happens, happens."  This was a "positive" message from Mike.  In reality, Mike took each day & really lived it, cramming every hour full. My son seemed to live 26 hours a day!   I believe he had gotten the point. -  that point being:  -- it's not so much what happens to us in life, but how we react and how we deal with it."   Mike found solutions & answers, he looked for and found ways to make the most of his life. 

The GIFT of my son,  "As his mom, - now without my wonderful son, - I will have to strive to live as he would have, and find a way to deal with this loss, this emptiness, this disconnection  in my life."  All he was will help me with this journey

He was a most loving son, making us, his  parents,  so proud every day!   He  is survived by us, his  parents, Barbara Turner and Wolf Hodgkinson.  I remarried after Mike was an adult.  He was happy for me & proud to call Wolf, "Dad"      Justin and I , lived in Pasadena, on the same street for 19yrs. .   When we moved, -- his comment was simple--  "Well it's about time, I think", so we moved to a different location in Pasadena!     Michael is survived also by a Grandmother, Geri Ginn, in LaVerne, California, and an absent "natural father" in Florida, and many many good friends in California and online, around the cyber world,  cycle community, and Ham radio "community, college and work.   

His countless friends will miss him greatly.  There was  a memorial service for all who were able to attend, in Pasadena, on Friday, October 24th, at 2pm at the Masonic Lodge on S. Euclid Avenue.  (More details about the service are here at  the site now)  Please see the page on the Memorial Service and the handout about  Mike.   Mike died tragically while riding the Suzuki motorcycle that had taken him safely over 10,000 miles already to and from work and around town.  The Wrongful Death Lawsuit went to trial January of 2006, with verdicts.  Those verdicts now being appealed by the defense for the young driver who hit and killed Mike.   

From Mike's Mom:   "I was an abandoned child, with  less than desirable "adopted" childhood.  Michael was  my only  blood relative that I knew!   I "found" my life when I was 18, (I ran away to college and never looked back)    but my son lived his   childhood in a city he loved,  with mother and countless friends who loved him.  He lived his 29yrs to the fullest and left me a blessed and very proud mom  - and left a legacy for others."   I

"I had a son and together we had  the most wonderful moments and experiences of  life!"    Mom

The family wishes to thank all those who gave from their hearts,  to the Pasadena Police Activities League, (Pasadena Police Department) in Memory of Michael Justin Turner, and these monies will go to a wonderful program for the young people of Pasadena.   The first total we had shortly after the service was $1500.00 and we expect that to grow significantly.   Please .  Contact Lt. Gales:   744-4551 leave a msg, talk to Lt Gales, or ask to speak to Janet Pope -- for information or any details or if you wish to make a donation.  
This in an ongoing fund and donations can be made any time, or yearly to remember Mike! 
We will  try to acknowledge these donations  in time with a Thank You.  Please let us know if you do not receive a confirmation of your donation.  Thank you for Mike!  We hope to establish a permanent and physical memorial spot for Mike in late 2005.  Please check back for details.  I, as Mother  of Mike, and now his voice, will never forget your donations and kindnesses. 

*There was a very special group, who collected cash and gave it to us, to help with expenses:  This envelope was a stunning gift and generous gesture.  You all know who you are, but please know that this gift - during this most terrible time - did help with the arrangements for Mike's final rest and arrangements.  What a gift it truly was from very loving and understanding friends of Mike's!!!  Many are waiting for the "place" that memorial where they can go and "be with Mike or visit him".   We are most anxious to put that "into place" and will put the details here when we can.   Click on the BENCH link at the top of the front page of the website!  Bench to be installed Jan 2007.

This  website for Mike is  set up here at www.michaeljustinturner.org  by his Mom and Step-Dad.  We hope to add,much more about Mike and the about the Foundation to be established in his name :-- MAD.org  Motorcycle Awareness Driving, -  details coming soon.  Motorcycle  Awareness driving by drivers of automobiles and trucks, etc.     Please continue to re-visit and check back at this site.  It will be simple and put up quickly at first, but will grow into the professional site as time goes on, with news and updates.  I want to thank those already who have contacted me specifically about the accident or the dangers of that intersection.   And please visit the link: Justice for All.  

**10/2004   We are still dealing with the details of settling things for Mike.   We are devasted by the loss of our only son, the wheels of justice move slowly at times, but for Mike we continue to press forward.  ** Trial date set for Dec of 2004, then postponed till July of 2005 has now been rescheduled for September 2005, nearly two years after Mike's death!  This is a tragedy.   Those close to the family can call or emails us for updates.   We do this for Mike!
*** 1/2006  Finally we get to court.  This experience also,  I will share, because I think it is important.  I have to wait for it all to be over - Appeal to be answered by March 2008)
We do have the  verdicts, and I thank all involved in this process. But this is not enough.   Drivers who injure and kill others must be held accountable for these actions.  Insurance companies who protect them must change their policies, and must be also forced to be held accountable.  The only way most have to get "this accountability" is to sue or secure some monetary award and hope to do some good with that resolution.     We wait still, to make Mike's legacy known, to set up scholarship funds, and put a memorial into place for MIKE!
21 Mos-  A Backyard Wonder!
2 yrs old at his desk... on his way to Mt Sierra 
Just as handsome, now 18!
He loved to reverse the numbers!.
This page was last updated on March 2007