Goal:   To coordinate this display
           with the "Get Wild With Origami" summer workshops.
                     These displays added dinosaurs, and forrest animals
                     & more jungle animals.    Kits are included to show
                     parents & children what inexpensive & innovative
                     origami is available for fun and learning!
It is difficult & challenging to try and photograph these display in the big glass cases. 

Top shelf is jungle & forrest animals, even a snake, raccoon, bears, dear, birds.... then monkey, elephant, zebra, alligator, jumping frog, hippo, jungle birds, & more!

In the center a stunning back-drop from National Geographic (difficult to photograph with the lightening) but it really drew attention to, and showed off the origami prehistoric dinosaurs!

Also displayed the lifesize & terribly lifelike praying mantis in it's own display case.
Bottom: It's important to see what fun kits, books, & papers are available to interest the folder.     

Example of the kinds of instructions that are included in paper packets or kits, help show the quality of items available today.
I highly recommend the Think N Go kits available ( see my Books page here for more information) and the  Underwater Origami Book.  This one comes with large papers in the back for folding.  It is an excellent book for older children or for adults and younger children to do together!! 
On the opposite side of the great library Main area, was the second display case for viewing in August.   Origami Designs had a different goal in mind with this display.      
These two display cases were available for viewing by 1000's who use the main branch every day in August 2003.   In addition to the more known origami animals and dinosaurs being folded - there is a real interest in the unusual, the mythological, unit origami, the new complex and beautiful 3-D models that are being folded (still from one square sheet of paper!)
This display was designed to explore some new ideas in folding and display of the items you fold.
I took the opportunity to put up several dragons that are most popular with the children and adults alike!!!           Books, covers, information sheets, photos of the more complicated models being folded, as well as examples of the simple and traditional models that are always popular are displayed above.

It is all fun to see.... the emperor beetle, the yoda, the 3-D household ant, the exquisite lady bug, the lifelike 3-D giraffe, a castle built from folded squares!, cubes with the bird pattern, cranes shown off in the ceramic pagoda, popular flowers balls, and the wonderful playful bat, the 3-D seal, and the twin cats... and more!   In the center some of the mathmatical "folding" all with their own proper names and intriguing shapes.    I couldn't resist including the easily recognizable "fortune teller" with the colorful dragon paper!  This model is available online and can be printed at home and folded quickly!

As always I invite my viewers of the displays and visitors to this site, to feel free to email me if you see something here of interest and have questions about the source, in books or here online. I am always happy to answer questions about the displays.    As I was putting up this display a young man from one of the July workshops came by to say hello to me, and tell me of his folding experiences since.   This is the real joy and reward for me of doing these displays!

Again, I want to add here my special thanks to the City of Pasadena Library for their support and acceptance of these origami displays.   

There is a wealth of information in books and available online at your local library. 
Workshops and classes are always more interesting with examples & posters about the room with origami examples!