AROUND THE WORLD.                 Listings below:

New to the World of Origami?   There are established organizations that you will want first to know more about.       And you will then find that there exists many associations, clubs, & groups meeting to fold around the world,- in cities everywhere.   Some meet regularly, others are more informal.  But a person can spend some time, just trying to find  "where are they"?   My listing is not meant to be a complete reference list, but to show you in the first five or six searches  below where you can find most of them in great listings!

So,  to save you  the time I've spend searching online (and it was fun time but still.) I am  sharing with you here my listing, from my bookmarks to get you started.  I do not wish for my  .org website to just be a site that lists  lists of links, so to speak.  But in my searching I have been very grateful to go to an origami site and see their LINKS listing!   By going to several different sites, one can quickly see many of these clubs, or more on how and where to find them.  

·I welcome other clubs and associations to send me their locations and information and I'll be happy to list it here as well.

AROUND THE WORLD.                 Listings below:

1.Bomis: The Arts/Crafts/Origami  Yes this is a site with listings & it's quick and helpful  There are 65! Entries on this page.  I really suggest starting here is good!  http://www.bomis.com/rings/Mcrafts-origami-arts/ 
2.British Origami Society Listing by society database  The BOS is a name to know and a great place to start as well.  The BOS is a big established society in the world of origami. Membership is most beneifical check out the listings: http://www.12testing.net/cgi-bin/bos/links.pl?job=society
3.Paperfolding.com  (a place to become familiar with) you will find an excellent listing!  International Organizations, and US organizations, I suggest making this one of the first five  to check to get a easy long listing  http://www.paperfolding.com/links/groups/  
4.Origami USA definitely and excellent resource for the US folder looking for clubs, associations etc. and right their on the front page, see resources and click:  Because they are so complete and offer so much to the folder I put them on the top 10 for listings of organizations and clubs etc.   http://www.origami-usa.org/frames1c.htm 
5.The Official Web Site of   Japan Origami Academic Society   Most interesting  website from Japan.  http://www.origami.gr.jp/    Their links page is impressive and worth checking early in your research. 
6.Joseph Wu, in the world or origami this is the "name" many think of easily.  Among the top folder, the top names, the top websites, you will find Joseph and this url is for his page of links  to "Paperfolders Around the World"  http://www.origami.vancouver.bc.ca/Info/palm.php
7.This listing was good, but when I went to it recently was Not Working so I cannot give a name or details, except to list it here (as obviously I went to the site and felt it was worth bookmarking:  http://www.tmqg.com/products/us2d.htm#Animals%20Roaming%20Here 
8.As I am going thru my bookmarks alphabetically this is the next listing: the page is small with four listings:  three clubs and one bookstore.  The New England Folders, OrigaMIT, and Origamido   http://www.boston.us.emb-japan.go.jp/ORIGAMI.HTM 
9.The Origami Club of Pittsburg:  here is a good example of a listing by a club, hours, what they offer, who they are affiliated with etc.  http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/usr/origami/ocop.html 
10.Origami Deutschland  the front page at the site is a registration form to join, but also are the usual choice of diagrams (where you can see a listing of them simply with a click of your mouse) convention information and more.  You do not have to register to check this parts of the website.  Included are articles, photos, sculptures, diagrams listed, and in english on my puter.  http://www.papierfalten.de/en/joining.html 
11.West Coast Origami Guild  here you will find links to and information on these: Southern CA: Los Angeles | Orange County | Palos Verdes | Santa Monica | High Desert | San Diego
Northern CA: Pacifica | Redwoods | San Francisco | Sonoma | Sunnyvale | West Sacramento
Pacific Northwest & Conventions: Portland, OR | Seattle, WA | PCOC 2003 and more
12.Israeli Origami Center is listed on many of the links listing you will find above, but I do have it separately listed in my own bookmarks and so I'm listing it here. On their links page they list first Israeli origami sites, and then Sites from around the world.  http://www.origami.co.il/origami/Main_E.html  so I include it here so that you my visitor will be motivated then to search from your favorite search engine for local sites in your country or community.
13.Origami Center of Novorossiysk not all clubs or associations are large to be viable, and interesting to more than just the local community.  This is why I list other nations and organizations from other countries in my own computer and bookmark them. A particular organization might be small but already involved in far reaching efforts for origami around the world such as this site:  http://www.civilsoc.org/nisorgs/russwest/origami.htm from this url you will be directed to the actual website . 

AROUND THE WORLD.                 Listings below:

Somewhat familiar with the world of origami but want to know more. Check out listings. 

Please know that I have been to every site I list here.  I am limited by my space at the website host, and for this reason I do not link directly to these sites. 

But for those really interested, it is easy enough to highlight the url with your cursor and then  paste it in for your search.   From time to time a site that is real, shows an error, or "can't locate."   I have no control over this  I try to keep things updated  and so I suggest if you get a similar message that you go back another time to try to access the site.  

If you know of other sites I might list here to help my visitors in their search, please feel free to send me the information by email.  Thank You. 
OrigamiDesigns Logo Copyright to origamidesigns.com  2000-2010.
It is the hope of origamidesigns.org to include on these webpages, 
If you happen to visit this site, early in your origami exploration, --  or are not familiar with the big wonderful world of origami, in real life and online...    ...then origamidesigns.com  wants to make it ease for you to find these clubs and associations quickly. 
I am a member of The British Origami Society, & Origami USA. 

I  recommend  that  if  you are interested  in  folding  with others,  learning more,  or benefiting  from  years  of developments  in  the  Art  of Origami,  you  consider  joining  or finding  local groups in  your  area  where  you  can fold!

Volunteer work if you have the time, is one of the most wonderful experience of an "artistic" of full life.  

Whether you are sharing your folding interests with children, seniors,  college students, the disabled, or many in different walks of life, you will find it most rewarding.   
Origami Around The Globe - Art in every country, ever community!